You'll be spending so much time on your term assignment that you do need to find something interesting or you will lose interest half through! Follow these simple guidelines and you should be able to select the best theme for your term assignment in a few simple steps.
Brainstorm your research theme- Don't pick the first idea which comes to your mind no matter how interesting! You might get stuck on a central idea and you'll proceed to write out your thesis in a burst of inspiration. But you could hit a few snags like-
o There is no research to back up your central idea of your thesis! No matter how interesting your topic is, there might be simply no information available on the internet or the research may be highly secret and not ready to be published. Without any research backing up your thesis, you cannot submit a thesis.
o All the research points in the opposite direction to your research! This is another problem which can come up with insufficient research. If you find research contrary to your exciting research idea then its time to skip this theme completely.
You can avoid these problems by having a properly explored list of themes in hand before you start in-depth research. Find and short list several themes related to your area of study and then use a library or an internet- connected computer to find alternate connections to your preliminary list of themes. Select a theme which has a lot of researched material for your use and you can use for your thesis presentation.
Read an encyclopedia- For all of the short listed themes read an encyclopedia article from a prominent publication to get a complete idea of what the theme involves. Most encyclopedias have the best summaries of the articles and you could alternative directions to the theme you have selected which are much more interesting. Try common online encyclopedias like BRITANNICA, and the FUNK AND WAGNALLS ENCYCLOPEDIA which have external links to websites and magazine articles to help you out in your search. Sometimes for the topics you have selected you need to find good keywords which can excavate interesting avenues for ideas. Find words which are best suited to your topic and the best place to find these are at the ends of encyclopedia articles.
Focus your themes- Try not to use too broad or even too simple themes as both ways you lose!
o Too broad a theme and your research could serve to be endless and you will get confused on the right direction to choose.
o Too limited a theme and you will not find research to back it up just news articles and popular reviews which cannot be used in your term paper.
I hope I have got you excited on how to find research paper topics for this term. Keep in touch for more information on how to find the best themes for your assignments.
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